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Office of Evangelization and Catechesis Commission

The Office of Evangelization and Catechesis Commission is made up of parishioners from each of the six deaneries in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Prince Albert.


The members are people who...

  • have a desire to help parishes in the diocese become parishes of missionary disciples

  • have on the ground experience with catechetical ministry with children, youth or adults

  • have an understanding of parish life, the society in which we live, and the people we serve​

  • are passionate about their faith and desire that others come to know Christ in His Church 

  • realize that each person's journey to Christ is unique

  • are comfortable with prayer and sharing faith



  • Attending 4-6 commission meetings a year. Two to three in person and the remainder via Zoom. 

  • Partake in subcommittees when possible.

  • When events are sponsored by the OEC, commission members are asked to help with the planning and hospitality at the events (i.e., registration, decorations, selling books, etc.) as they are able. OEC members also help with the advertising for events (announcements at Sunday Eucharist) as they were able.

  • Be the host at OEC gatherings in the deaneries. Arrange for the parish to be opened, table set-up, oragnize the providing of refreshments, and be responsible for the closing of the parish.



  • Be part of a community with others who are passionate about their faith.

  • Opportunities to learn about the evangelization and catechetical changes occurring in the Church as they unfold. 

  • Be part of developing ways and means of reaching out to parishioners inviting them to deepen their faith and live their baptism.


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