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Marriage Preparation Options


The Roman Catholic Diocese of Prince Albert has options for Marriage Preparation.

For more information about any of these options, please call Fr. Michael Fahlman at (306) 922-4747 (ext 224) or email or Frances Lloyd (306) 922-4747 (ext 0)  or email

1. Marriage Preparation Weekend in the Battlefords


One option for Marriage Preparation Program is offered in the Battlefords.   This program begins on Friday night and ends Saturday afternoon.  It is only offered once a year in the spring. The next weekend is April 4 and 5 2025 at St. Vital parish. For more information about the itinerary, cost, capacity and to register, please contact Fr. Greg Elder at


2. Online marriage preparation course offered through Agape Ministries.







Agapè invites couples to a deeper relationship with each other and with Christ, one couple at a time. Online, on-demand instruction rooted in Saint John Paul II's Theology of the Body, combined with personalized mentoring from a trained married couple, builds a foundation for a strong, healthy, Christ-centered marriage between a man and a woman. 

After the couple has met with their pastor and started the marriage paperwork at their parish, the couple registers at for the on line “Pre-Cana Theology of the Body Marriage Preparation Course”.


For the couple who is already married to each other, they should sign up for the “Convalidation Course” at

These online programs are widely used in Canada and the US.  The cost is $239 US funds (or $289 USF in cases of urgent care for couples with less than four weeks to prepare). Each couple preparing for marriage journeys with a mentor couple. The cost to upgrade from the regular course to the Urgent Care course is $74 USF. There are nine assignments and the mentor couple give feedback on each of them. The course usually takes a minimum of 20 hours and often can be completed in 4-6 weeks. Online Marriage Preparation is offered in English, French or Spanish; the cost to take it is $289 USF. The reactivation fee is $70 USF.​​


3. Other options may be available for couples preparing for marriage at the parish level.  Please inquire with your pastor.

Planning the Wedding

1.  The first thing to do is to visit the pastor of the parish in which you are presently living or to which you belong at least six months prior to your intended date of marriage.

2.  Allow three to six months for processing the Church forms required for marriage in the Roman Catholic Church.

3.  Dispensation from the Chancery Office in Prince Albert is required for a marriage between a Catholic and a non-Catholic. Dispensations are also required for couples marrying outside your diocese of residence. Your pastor or the delegated person in the parish will go through these forms with you.

4.  Couples wishing to marry in Saskatchewan must provide a Saskatchewan marriage license to the officiating clergy or marriage commissioner. Marriage licenses can be obtained at most jewelers.

5.  Music should be selected with the help of your parish music ministry preferably two months prior to the wedding. All music must follow the guidelines set by the Diocese of Prince Albert. Choose from the hymnal currently used in the parish.

Selecting the readings and contacting lectors should be done preferably two months prior to the wedding. Lists of suitable readings are found at the back of "Marriage in Christ." (p. 9) When choosing liturgical ministers (readers, etc.) please choose them on the basis of gifts people have so that each minister can truly help the community in this particular time of worship. For example, when you choose a lector, ask someone who reads regularly in his/her parish. Also, in selecting who will be the musicians/singer for your wedding, consider asking someone who is a music minister in a parish. (Marriage in Christ, p. 11)


​Wedding Location

The proper and usual place for celebrating marriages is a church or chapel. Weddings held outdoors are not allowed. Marriage is a celebration of faith and so is to be celebrated in a place where the Christian community normally gathers to celebrate its faith. (Marriage in Christ, p. 10)


Mixed Marriages

The Catholic Church recognizes that marriages of non-Catholics are valid. A non-Catholic person cannot re-marry in the Catholic Church without obtaining an annulment. (Marriage in Christ, p. 10)


Planning the Liturgy

All liturgical celebrations, regardless of the occasion or those present, are worship, the prayer of the entire church. The church community prays that both the preparation and celebration of your wedding will bring you closer to each other and to God, and that it will enrich your life and the lives of those who share your joy. (Marriage in Christ, p. 10) 


The better prepared you are, the less stressful things will be as you get closer to the celebration. Do not wait until the last minute! (Marriage in Christ, p. 10)

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