Deacon Brad Taylor
Coordinator of Restorative Justice
Phone: 306-765-8178 or 306-960-3112
Restorative Justice Week
November 19-25, 2023
National Restorative Justice Symposium 2021
This year, as we continue to stay safe, we encourage you to , once again, join us virtually in celebrating National Restorative Justice Week, from November 21 to 28, 2021. Many seeds were planted in 2020 as we gathered, for the first time, at the National RJ Symposium, and this year we will watch those seeds grow. What unique expressions of restorative practices have taken hold over the last year? Please click link for further information. Thank you.
Introduction for Saskatchewan Penitentiary Chaplains
Saskatchewan Penitentiary Chaplain - Brad Taylor
“I was in prison and you visited me...”
Jesus continues to call his followers, throughout the ages, to respond to his words to visit the face and lives of the imprisoned.
My own vocational experience to prison ministry began in the summer of 1993 in Saskatoon during an interview process for a summer intensive clinical pastoral education program at St. Paul’s Hospital. The CPE Supervisor advised me that I would be more suited to work in a prison than in a hospital setting. Two years later while my wife and I were serving as a Pastoral Associate co-responsible for Parish Outreach Ministry at St. Patrick’s Parish Center in Saskatoon, the Saskatoon Provincial Men’s Correctional Center Chaplain called for Catholic musicians to assist him in the Saturday morning Catholic Chapel service. I responded to the call. This one response led me to becoming an active prison chapel volunteer for several years and establishing a prison ministry in the parish. From here I was hired as the Saskatoon Community Chaplain (1999-2002), overseeing a restorative justice ecumenical ministry that provided pastoral care and support for men, women and their families during their transition from prison life to being proactive citizens in society.
In 2002, my wife and I moved our family to Edmonton to continue our theological studies and my professional chaplaincy training so that I could make a longer term commitment to my new vocation as a Prison Chaplain. In the fall of 2006, we moved to Prince Albert, where I served God and the Catholic Diocese as a Chaplain with Riverbend Institution and Saskatchewan Penitentiary Maximum Security Units (Sept. 2006-Jan. 2011).
After a time away to address health concerns, by the Grace of God, I have been given the opportunity to return to this restorative justice ministry of service as a part-time Catholic Chaplain for both the Saskatchewan Penitentiary and the Prince Albert’s Men’s Correctional Center.
I share my experience to illustrate how God can shape and direct our lives when we answer his call to live a Christian lifestyle of service, in this case, when we answer Jesus’ call to visit him in prison.
Are you being prompted by the Holy Spirit to visit Jesus the Prisoner, too? If so, do not be afraid of responding, for you are not alone, there are others who have heard this call too and are willing to support, train and guide you in through the initial and ongoing steps to visit and minister to our incarcerated brother and sisters.
Contact Brad Taylor with the information available on the left side of this page if you would like to make a small step in that direction.
Jesus has called me to serve Him as a Prison Chaplain in this
Restorative Justice Ministry of Service
Where is Jesus calling you to serve Him? Is it to come and be with Him in prison?
If so, what are you going to do about it?