Louis Hradecki
Social Justice, Missions & Refugees
Ph: 922-4747 ext. 233
Email: socialjustice@padiocese.ca
The War in Ukraine - A Call to Prayer, Fasting and Action
The Ukrainian Rite Catholic Bishops of Canada have a pastoral letter, translated into 3 languages. This letter, addressed to the faithful of Canada and to people of good will, was published on 17 October 2022. It is an invitation to a response of faith to the war currently taking place in Ukraine.
The Laudato Si Action Platform will be launched on November 14th. It allows Catholic parishes, schools, families to take tangible steps so that their actions reduce their impact on God's Creation, our common home. Each group will create a 7-year plan. The platform is easy to use, allowing you to obtain a certificate later.
This project is very close to my heart, since I have been a member of the Laudato Si Platform for Action working group (led by the Vatican) since last March. Interacting with Catholics from all around the globe has been a rewarding experience that will soon bear fruit.
I also take this opportunity to announce that the Green Churches Network is the official partner of the Laudato Si Platform for Action in Canada. For 15 years now, this charity has been helping churches to care for our common home through concrete actions and a spirituality based on integral ecology.
Norman Lévesque
Diocesan Officer for Creation Care Ministry
Diocese of Saint-Jean-Longueuil (near Montreal)
Short videos responding to Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
A series of short locally-prepared videos about “Finding the Gifts in a World of Choices” have been produced in Saskatchewan under the direction of a Saskatchewan bishops’ advisory committee, thanks to financial support from the Saskatchewan K of C Charitable Foundation. Two new videos – one focused on L’Arche and one on Suicide Prevention – have been added to the first two short videos released earlier on Palliative Care and on Care for the Elderly. All four can be found online at: www.findingthegifts.ca . Please watch and share! Please click to view:
Suicide Prevention: https://player.vimeo.com/video/212132650
Palliative Care: https://player.vimeo.com/video/193720740
Caring for theElderly: https://player.vimeo.com/video/193720005