Make a Gift in Support of the Church's Mission
Thank you for considering a gift to the Diocese of Prince Albert. Your generosity enables us to serve our communities, care for those in need, and accomplish the missions entrusted to us by the Lord.
1. Please give your name and address as you want it to appear on your tax receipt.
2. Make sure you include the name of your parish.
For your convenience, there are six methods of gift payment provided:
1. Cheque - Make cheques payable to: The Bishop’s Annual Appeal. For 2024 tax purposes, the cheques must be deposited in 2024.
2. Post-dated Cheques - Make cheques payable to: The Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Please make sure that the cheques for 2025 are dated correctly.
3. Pre-authorized Payment - The best way of ensuring that the information is correct is to include a VOID blank cheque with your pledge card. Be sure to include both the start and finish dates.
4. Visa/Mastercard - The card holders name, card number, expiry date of card(month/year) and card verification number (CVN-3-digit number on back of card) are needed.
5. E-transfer – send transfer to officeprogramsmgr@padiocese.ca – state in the comments BAA donation, parish name and your name and mailing address.
6. You can also continue to scroll and donate by Visa/Mastercard: https://www.padiocese.ca/donate - Canada Helps issues the receipt.
If you have any questions, please contact:
306-922-4747 Ext. 233 or Ext. 234