Pastoral Care
Statement by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops on the Non-Permissibility of Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide within Canadian Health Organizations with a Catholic Identity
Déclaration de la Conférence des évêques catholiques du Canada sur l’interdiction de pratiquer l’euthanasie et le suicide assisté dans les organismes de santé d’allégeance catholique au Canada
“The elderly, by virtue of their weakness, can teach those who are living in other stages of life that we all need to abandon ourselves to the Lord, to invoke his help. In this sense, we must all learn from old age: yes, there is a gift in being elderly, understood as abandoning oneself to the care of others, starting with God himself.”
Pope Francis said at his June 1, 2022 general audience.
1415 - 4th Ave West
Prince Albert, SK S6V 5H1
306-922-4747 ext 227
CHAS 2024 Convention
Theme for CHAS Conference 2024
Continuing checking in for more information...
World Day of the Sick
February 11, 2024
“It is not good that man should be alone”: Healing the Sick by Healing Relationships is the title of the Holy Father’s message released at the beginning of January for the upcoming 32nd World Day of the Sick. The Catholic Church celebrates World Day of the Sick every year on February 11.
In his message, Pope Francis reminds us of the importance of relationships, especially when facing illnesses: “Our lives, reflecting in the image of the Trinity are meant to attain fulfilment through a network of relationships, friendships and love, both given and received. We were created to be together, not alone.”
During old age and times of illness, however, many people are left feeling abandoned and isolated which is, Pope Francis attests, “a consequence of a culture of individualism.” The Holy Father urges us to be like the Good Samaritan in the parable, enabling instead “the growth of a culture of tenderness and compassion.”
The Holy Father also encourages the sick to “not be ashamed of your longing for closeness and tenderness!” and to use the time of illness “to step back from the hectic pace of our lives to rediscover ourselves.”
World Day of the Sick is an opportunity to remind ourselves to pray for and reach out to the sick, acting as witnesses to them of the tender love of Christ. “The sick, the vulnerable and the poor are at the heart of the Church,” Pope Francis states, “they must also be at the heart of our human concern and pastoral attention.”
In preparation for World Day of the Sick, we have prepared a Pastoral Toolkit including a CCCB press release (29 January 2024), pastoral suggestions for parishes and families (including a homily suggestion, prayers of the faithful and prayers for bulletins, groups or families), a CCCB video and a prayer card for distribution, as well as resources from the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.
We invite you to share these World Day of the Sick 2024 resources with your families and faith communities. Additional resources for World Day of the Sick 2024 will be made available in the coming weeks by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development at this link and on their social media pages. As well, we invite you to renew your commitment to pastoral attention for the sick and marginalized by promoting Horizons of Hope: A Toolkit for Catholic Parishes on Palliative Care in your faith communities.
Pope Francis' Message
Click here to download the World Day of the Sick 2024 Prayer Card
Ideas on how to promote
the World Day for the Sick
Read and share Pope Francis’ message
Watch and share the video on this page
Visit a loved one who is shut in, lonely or sick
Offer gratitude to a healthcare professional or volunteer
Organize the Horizons of Hope program in your parish
The World Day of the Sick resonates well with the recent CCCB publication on palliative care entitled Horizons of Hope which highlights the Compassionate Community approach. It may be a good opportunity to encourage the faithful to discover this program at the local level.
Deanery 5 began working on this material in the Spring of 2022. Training parish leaders and visitors.
Deanery 2 and 4 will be offering sessions in the spring of 2023. Dates, times and location of sessions TBA. Please watch this page and your bulletin for more information.
“Horizons of Hope: A Toolkit for Catholic Parishes on Palliative Care” seeks to:
Empower and educate parishioners by addressing questions surrounding palliative care, dying, death, suffering, accompaniment, and bereavement in a holistic fashion.
Present high-quality content that explores how palliative care is understood from a perspective of Catholic moral and pastoral theology, medical expertise and the Compassionate Community model.
Facilitate meaningful conversations together so that our parishes and families become Compassionate Communities, grounded in the mercy and tenderness of the living Christ.
To learn more about these training webinars produced by the CCCB click on the following link HORIZONS OF HOPE.
Click on the picture below to watch the CCCB's video
Protect Sask Medical Professionals​
Saskatchewan medical professionals are vulnerable to legal prosecution if they do not bend to coercion and intimidation to participate in medical assistance in dying (MAiD). There needs to be legal protection for the medical professionals who object to the participation of MAiD, or the pressures of offering it to their patients.
We would like to see the Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly pass conscience protection legislation similar to that passed in Manitoba in 2017. The legislation passed was effective in aiding those who conscientiously refused and it also protected them from a regulatory body of nurses or doctors requiring participation as well. Manitoba´s legislation could act as an example for other provinces to follow.
Sask Pro-Life Association would encourage Saskatchewan residents who support our mission to click on the link below which will take you to the website and sign the petition. Conscience Rights in Saskatchewan, a group of volunteers plan to meet with Saskatchewan MLAs to discuss the importance of conscience rights legislation for medical professionals and present them with petitions.
Canadians for Conscience
This video from Canadians for Conscience presents short clips from health care professionals who speak about why they need conscience protection.
You can also retweet and tag us on social media.
Twitter: @Cdns4Conscience
Instagram: cdns4conscience
We Can and Must Do Better
Religious Leaders in Canada oppose Bill C-7
“An Act to amend the Criminal Code”
(medical assistance in dying)
September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day
Below are websites with information on Suicide Prevention and Resources.
Government of Canada
Suicide in Canada,
Suicide Prevention,
Suicide in Canada: infographic,
Indigenous Services Canada (2019), "Suicide prevention in Indigenous communities",
Statistics Canada (2017), "Suicide rates: An overview",
The Centre for Suicide Prevention has some excellent resources, including statistics, multimedia, and more infographics
"Suicide stats for Canada, provinces and territories",
Other sites
Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention,
Interfaith Statement on Suicide Prevention