Reporting Abuse of a Minor:
[Please see Sections 5.01 & 5.02 of the Responsible Ministry Protocol for the complete policy.]
1. All allegation or suspicions of child abuse (of a person under the age of 18) must be reported to Child and Family Services or the Police immediately.
2. When a ministry volunteer or employee in the line of duty reports a suspicion of abuse or an allegation of abuse to authorities, they must also notify the Director of Responsible Ministry that a report has been made. [Complete Appendix 17- Suspected Abuse Report Form]
Director of Responsible Ministry:Phone:306-922-4747Ext. 234
Confidential email:
3. The parish responsible ministry committee (PRMC) will notify and work in conjunction with the Responsible Ministry Advisory Team (RMAT) and the Director of Responsible Ministry throughout the process. Confidentiality must be maintained with information being shared with only those who are required to be informed pursuant to the Responsible Ministry Protocol.
4. If the suspected child abuse happened in the context of Church ministries and was committed by a church member or attendee, the parents of the victim must be notified by the Director of Responsible Ministry.
5. All individuals must cooperate fully with the investigation by Child and Family Services and/or the police.
6. A support person who is not a part of the investigation process will be offered to the complainant and their family and a different support person will be offered to the accused person (respondent). These persons will assist with communications and understanding the procedures of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Prince Albert and can provide emotional and possibly spiritual support but not counseling.
7. Any member of the clergy, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Prince Albert who is the subject of a criminal or child protection investigation related to abuse of a child, youth or vulnerable adult shall be removed from sacred ministry or from any ecclesiastical office or function until the conclusion of the investigation. If the accused is criminally convicted, it will then follow that they will be permanently removed from sacred ministry, any ecclesiastical office or any function with the Diocese of Prince Albert and the Church.
8. Following the completion of any criminal or child protection proceeding, that does not result in a criminal conviction, an internal investigation shall be conducted to determine whether an accused member of the clergy, employee or volunteer poses a hazard to children or vulnerable adults. The findings of this internal investigation will be used to determine future assignments of the accused person. The determination shall be made by the Responsible Ministry Advisory Team and shall be made based on the balance of probabilities with primary consideration given to the safety of children, youth, or vulnerable adults.
9. Whenever allegations of sexual abuse involving minors by a member of the clergy have been made, a proper preliminary canonical enquiry, in accordance with codes of Canon Law pertaining to discipline and ecclesiastical trials, will be undertaken and the case will be referred to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.