Canadian Bishops, Assembly of First Nations, Métis National Council, and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami Provide an Update on Delegation to Rome - December 7, 2021
English - Joint Statement - Delegation Update
National Day of Prayer in Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples
December 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas.
In view of this day of prayer, please find attached the English and French versions of the 2021 Message for the National Day of Prayer in Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples, with the theme We are called to Healing, Forgiveness, Reconciliation. The message was drafted and approved by the CCCB Indigenous Council, as well as reviewed by the Executive Committee in accordance with its earlier agreement with the Indigenous Council.
English - 2021 National Day of Prayer
French - 2021 Journée Nationale de Prière
A special section has been added to the CCCB website in order to highlight the Indigenous Delegation which will be meeting with Pope Francis from 17 to 20 December 2021.
Included in this section are sample parish bulletin announcements, this year’s Advent video series, educational resources, and information for journalists. All of these resources, and more to come, can be accessed via the following links:
In addition, on behalf of His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, a video featuring Bishops from across the country reading the “Apology by the Bishops of Canada to the Indigenous Peoples of this Land” is shared. The video was shown during the Cardinal’s Annual Dinner, a virtual event this year, and was produced with the assistance of Salt & Light Catholic Media Foundation.
The video (bilingual) can be accessed via the following link:
Videos, scripts and educational resources for the four Sundays of Advent are now available on the CCCB website. This week’s theme is “Indian Residential Schools”. All of these resources have been reviewed and approved by the Bishop’s Working Group on Coordinating Indigenous Initiatives.
Both video and resources are available on the CCCB website:
The staff of the Pastoral Centre took September 30, 2021 to learn more about Truth and Reconciliation and the Residential Schools.
Below are links to videos we viewed:
Residential Schools in Canada : A timeline
Justice Murray Sinclair: Royal Proclamation of 1763 31:00 minutes
Justice Murray Sinclair: Truth is hard: Reconciliation is harder 51:00 minutes
TRC Mini Documentary on Reconciliation 3:00 minutes