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About the fund

In July of 2021, the Bishops of Saskatchewan launched the Catholic TRC Healing Response. As was announced at the time, this initiative is intended to support Indigenous-led projects that focus on healing and reconciliation in each of our dioceses. Later that fall, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) agreed to raise $30 million dollars across Canada with the same goals in mind. Very quickly, in January of 2022, the CCCB announced the structure for collecting these funds and common criteria for discerning projects. A new national registered charity was established and named the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund (IRF). Seventy-three dioceses and eparchies across the country, including the Diocese of Prince Albert, have pledged to participate in the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund and to collectively achieve this goal.

The Financial Goal

This means that the fundraising effort in the Diocese of Prince Albert’s TRC Healing Response is now part of the larger, national effort to raise $30 million dollars. In our diocese, we are following the same criteria and requirements along with all other dioceses in Canada as set out by the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund. In the Diocese of Prince Albert, we are working to raise at least $300,000 over the next five years for such projects. The monies raised here will be spent here even though they will be counted toward the national target of $30 million that is being managed by the IRF.

Please give your name and address as you want it to appear on your tax receipt. For your convenience, there are 5 methods of gift payment provided: 1. Cheque - Make cheques payable to: IRF RC Diocese of Prince Albert. For 2023 tax purposes, the cheques must be deposited in 2023. 2. Post-dated Cheques - Make cheques payable to: IRF RC Diocese of Prince Albert. Please make sure that the cheques for 2024 are dated correctly. 3. Visa/Mastercard - The card holders name, card number, expiry date of card(month/year) and card verification number (CVN-3-digit number on back of card) are needed. 4. E-transfer – send transfer to – state in the comments IRF donation, and your name and mailing address. 5. You can also continue to scroll and donate by Visa/Mastercard: under “Fund” choose the “Indigenous Reconciliation Fund” arrow - Canada Helps issues the receipt. If you have any questions, please contact: Louis Hradecki 306-922-4747 Ext. 233

Donation How to Give

Dates – submissions due by the 2nd Thursday of the month, meetings held in coordination of submissions April, June, September and January

Due Dates

Approval Process

To be updated soon!

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