On this page you will find links to the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy handouts and videos, which have been created by the Diocese. The intent behind the creation of this content is to help spread the news about the Jubilee of Mercy so as to invite everyone to both experience the Father’s mercy; as well as become ambassadors of that mercy.
Items marked with an *asterisk have not been posted yet. To go directly to an article or to the video you wish to view, click on any title below to follow the link.
Announcing the Jubilee Year – December 2015
Holy Doors and Indulgences – January 2016
Jubilee of Mercy Holy Doors & Indulgences Handout
Holy Doors & Indulgences Handout in French
Reconciliation – February 2016
Reconciliation Pamphlet in French
Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy – March 2016
Works of Mercy Pamphlet in French
Easter 2016
Pilgrimages – May 2016
Pilgrimages (French)
Jubilee of Mercy Handouts - On September 24 As the fall begins many parish programs also begin and leading these programs are the Parish Catechists. We often think that the catechists are only those who work with children when in fact...You are a catechist if...You pass on faith to Children and Youth in such areas as: Children’s Catechetics, Sacramental Prep, Youth Ministry or Catholic School Teachers. You pass on faith to Adults in such areas as: RCIA, Pastoral Care, Baptismal Prep, Social Justice, Lay Formation, Prison Ministry, Marriage Prep, Prayer Groups, or Lifelong Catechesis Groups (i.e., Bible Study).
To learn more about the ministry of catechetics follow the link below and checkout the latest Jubilee of Mercy handout
Pastoral Care - October 2016
Pastoral Care Pamphlet in French
Pastoral Care Video in French
Prison Ministry -November 2016​
Prison Ministry Video in English
Prison Ministry Video in French