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Catechetical Sunday, September 17, 2023

Come to me all you who labour and are burdened. 

Dear Clergy, Pastoral Administrators, and Parish Secretaries,
         In this year's theme from the Gospel of Matthew (11.28), Jesus invites us to follow Him and promises that in choosing to follow Him, our burdens will be lightened. As catechists (ordained and lay), our primary message to those we serve is the invitation to follow Jesus. All else (sacramental formation, catechesis for children, RCIA, youth group, adult faith formation opportunities such as Bible study, etc.) follows from the objective of sharing Jesus Christ's invitation to follow Him. As catechists, we share this message first through the witness of our yes to this invitation as intentional disciples, then through our ministry, by inviting others to follow as we have done. 
          As we begin a new ministry season, it is time to bless and pray for the catechists of children, youth, adults, and Catholic School teachers in our parishes. Catechetical Sunday is a beautiful opportunity to reflect on each person's role by virtue of their Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Those whom the community has designated catechists to the parish's children (including the students in the Catholic Schools), youth, and adults can be called forth and commissioned on this day.

This year I would like to highlight the resources for catechists offered by Loyola Press. The first link to the left will lead you to one of the three-minute retreats that is particularly prepared for catechists. The second link will lead you to the 3-minute retreat archives. The third link will lead you to the page inviting you to sign-up to receive the 3-minute retreat daily in your inbox.


The next three links to the left offer practical support through videos and articles for catechists.  The first link offers a clip to catechists of children and youth on 'Tips to Teaching Catechesis Remotely' by Joe Paprocki. The  second link for catechists of children and youth leads to Joe's Pop-Up Catechesis videos which offer practical advice and ideas for leading catechetical sessions. The third link offers a page of resource links of tips and ideas for making your adult faith formation ministry, from RCIA to Bible Study, a success.

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